News / 18th May 2023
Full fibre future secured for Elvington Scout Group
FACTCO has kindly provided Elvington Scouts Group two years' of full fibre broadband to the Scout Hut free of charge, granting them speeds up to 30 times faster than before.
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Hello everyone. I am starting up a running group for Wilberfoss and the surrounding villages. I run a lot as a hobby and enjoy doing it, so thought why not take it to the next level and get other people involved. The main reason for this poster is to gauge the interest in your village.
I am booked onto the Leadership in Running Fitness course with England Athletics on the 22nd August, which is the only pre-requisite needed to take runners out as a group, along with of course the enthusiasm and knowledge to do so. I am ex-military so I have always been keen on fitness, running in particular and I am well practiced in warm ups, running techniques, different running sessions and warm downs. I would also offer advice on nutrition and exercises that could be done at home to improve running, without straying into the realm of Personal Trainer as, 1 there are other people making a livelihood from that in the area and 2, I am not qualified to that level currently.
I have spoken to the Wilberfoss PFA who have agreed that we could have an area of the playing fields to conduct some of the sessions, where a small weekly fee will apply to use the field. The sessions would be a mixture of road running, sprint sessions, fartlek training and interval training. I welcome any level of runner/fitness level and if the demand is there, then split down further into smaller groups at different times and days. Timings would be early mornings and early evenings, 6.30am and 6pm with a whole group session Saturday morning, to finish in time for the Pavilion breakfast club opening for an end of week treat/cheat day. A schedule with timings and running sessions is below, for insurance reasons the minimum age for road running is 13.
Running is of course free as an individual, just the price of a good pair of trainers and shorts, etc, however running in groups offers more support, a knowledgeable running coach and if you pay to play you do tend to put more effort in to turn up and run. The cost initially will be £3 per session or a weekly fee depending on number of sessions.
If you are interested, please send me a direct message on Facebook Messenger (Nick Piff) or send me an email to the address below. I believe a good time to start this up would be the first week of September after everyone is back from their holidays and is also a great time of year to enter the world of running, not too warm, still have enough daylight, etc but even when the nights start drawing in and the weather gets colder, also a great time to get out there running.
Thanks for reading, Nick : 07548 238297
News / 18th May 2023
Full fibre future secured for Elvington Scout Group
FACTCO has kindly provided Elvington Scouts Group two years' of full fibre broadband to the Scout Hut free of charge, granting them speeds up to 30 times faster than before.
News / 13th March 2023
Staff from the Environment Agency were in the village today (Friday 10th March) and they are still trying to locate the source of the odour and slick in the beck. They are investigating the industrial estate but asked if villagers could check for any oil leaks from domestic tanks.