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Parish Council

About the Parish Council

Elvington Parish Council is in the unitary authority of the City of York Council and in the Bishopthorpe and Wheldrake Ward.  Elvington Parish Council is the managing body for the community of Elvington. The Council consists of seven elected and/or co-opted members who are advised by the Clerk to the Council. Elections for Councillors are held every four years.  The Clerk is a paid employee of the Parish.

All the Parish Councillors have signed up to the new Code of Conduct, which covers most aspects of interests and responsibilities. For any questions relating to the Code of Conduct please contact the Parish Clerk.

The Parish Council normally meets in the Atkin Room of the village hall on the third Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm. Members of the public and press have the right to attend.  These are not public meetings, however visitors are acknowledged and at the Chairman's discretion are given an opportunity to speak.

The Annual Parish Meeting, at which the Council gives its report for the year to the public, is held between March 1st and June 1st.

The AGM of the Council, at which it elects its officers for the year, and presents its annual accounts is held in May.

"All members of the council are committed to the careful preservation of the parish, its delightful setting, and its mixed rural community. We welcome constructive comment, positive ideas, and practical suggestions for improvement from residents in all parts of the parish at any time."

Contact details for individual members of the council can be found on the Parish Council Members page. The council can be contacted by post at:

Clerk to the Council - Yvonne Eggleston

T: 01904 608453

Main Street
Sutton upon Derwent
YO41 4BN

Annual Governance and Accountability return (AGAR)

You can view the Parish Council's return here.

How the Council works

Each Parish Councillor represents the whole parish, not just the area in which they live. If you have any problems that they may be able to assist with, feel free to contact any of them by clicking on the parish council members link.

The Parish Council has collective responsibility and no single member has the power to act alone.

No proposal can be decided upon which has not been notified in advance so that it can be included in the agenda for the meeting.

The Parish Council has many formal powers in order that it can carry out its functions. To improve the quality of village life, it raises money through the parish precept, and spends it on projects for the benefit of the parish and its parishioners.

  • The Parish Council also supports local voluntary organisations and community groups through grants against annual applications
  • The Parish Council maintains and provides bus shelters
  • Elvington Parish Council has taken on the responsibility for the grass cutting of the village green
  • The Parish Council enhances a community spirit and sense of identity for the people of the parish and to act as a focal point for matters of local interest or complaint
  • The Parish Councillors know the village intimately, and represent its views to other authorities, like City of York Council and to Government Ministries
  • Parish Councillors are entitled to be consulted on Planning Applications, and to put the Parish's case at public enquiries
  • Parish Councillors are always lobbying for improvements in highways, footpaths, road safety, etc

Administration of its own affairs by the Parish Council is more economical than if it were administered by other tiers of local government. The accounts of the Council are audited by appointed external auditors each year and the public are given an opportunity to examine them and question the auditor on any points.

All the Parish Councillors give their time voluntarily, without any payment.

Parish Council Notices

Any items of interest to parishioners, along with agendas and minutes are displayed on an area reserved on the notice boards of the village for Parish Council matters. There are currently two notice boards, one fixed on the wall of the Village Hall and the other at the entrance to Elvington Park.

Items are usually displayed on each of the boards but where something has to legally be displayed and only one copy is available the notice board on the wall of the Village Hall would be used

Grass Cutting

The Parish Council receives many comments about grass cutting in the village. The Parish Council is not responsible for all the open areas of the village. Roadside verges are cut by a contractor employed by the City of York Council. It is usual for verges to be cut four or five times a year. While we appreciate that this can sometimes make visibility difficult at times, particularly during a wet summer, there is nothing we can do about the timing of these cuts.

The Parish Council has taken over the responsibility for the village green and awards a contract for this cutting annually.

The Parish Council together with Elvington Air Museum also helps maintain the French War Memorial near Elvington Park.

Comments and Suggestions

If any Elvington resident has a contribution to make towards the running of the village, comments and suggestions are always welcomed by the Parish Clerk or the elected Councillors.

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